Tutte - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009

Titolo: The electrical coupling confers to a network of interneurons the ability of transmitting excitatory inputs with high temporal precision

Anno: 2008
Autori: Di Garbo A.
Rivista: Brain Research

Titolo: Cavity-Creating Mutations in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Azurin: Effects on Protein Dynamics and Stability

Anno: 2008
Autori: E. Gabellieri, E. Balestreri, A. Galli, P. Cioni
Rivista: Biophysical Journal

Titolo: Oddities and curiosities in the algal world.

Anno: 2008
Autori: Barsanti L., Coltelli P., Evangelista V., Frassanito A. M., Passarelli V., Vesentini N., Gualtieri P.
Rivista: Algal Toxins: Nature, Occurrence, Effect and Detection

Titolo: Modulation of erythrocyte sensitivity to oxidative stress by transient hyperhomocysteinemia in healthy subjects and in patients with coronary artery disease

Anno: 2008
Autori: Vesentini N., Kusmic C., Battaglia D., Taddei M. C., Barsanti L., Parodi O., Palombo C., Paolicchi A., Barsacchi R.
Rivista: Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases

Titolo: Exploiting the potential of an improved multi-mission altimetric data set over the coastal ocean

Anno: 2008
Autori: Bouffard J., Vignudelli S., Cipollini P., Menard Y.
Rivista: Geophysical Research Letters

Titolo: The differences in the microenvironment of the two tryptophan residues of the glutamine-binding protein from Escherichia coli shed light on the binding properties and the structural dynamics of the protein

Anno: 2008
Autori: D’Auria S., Staiano M., Varriale A., Gonnelli M., Marabotti A., Rossi M., Strambini G. B.
Rivista: Proteins-Structure Function and Genetics

Titolo: Steady-state and femtosecond photoinduced processes of blepharismins bound to alpha-crystallin.

Anno: 2008
Autori: T. Youssef, J. Brazard, C. Ley, F. Lacombat, P. Plaza, M. M. Martin, A. Sgarbossa, G. Checcucci and F. Lenci
Rivista: Photochem Photobiol Sci.

Titolo: An automatic real-time system for the determination of translational and rotational speeds of swimming micro-organisms

Anno: 2008
Autori: Coltelli P., Evangelisti M., Evangelista V., Gualtieri P.
Rivista: International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering

Titolo: Comparison of Ocean Dynamics with a Regional Circulation Model and Improved Altimetry in the North-Western Mediterranean

Anno: 2008
Autori: Bouffard J., Vignudelli S., Hermann M., Lyard F., Marsaleix P., Mènard Y., Cipollini P.
Rivista: Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Titolo: Botulinum neurotoxin E (BoNT/E) reduces CA1 neuron loss and granule cell dispersion, with no effects on chronic seizures, in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy

Anno: 2008
Autori: Antonucci F., A. Di Garbo, E. Novelli, I. Manno , F. Sartucci, Y. Bozzi, M. Caleo
Rivista: Experimental Neurology

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