Nonlinear time series analysis

Research Line: MD.P01.004.001 – Models of organization and dynamics of complex systems
People: Angelo Di Garbo, Santi Chillemi, Marco Carloni

Suppose to have a complex system and we want to understand how it works. For this purpose we can make measurements of some system variables and follow their evolution over time. The data thus obtained are time series containing, in implicit form, a certain level of information on the processes driving the system. The paradigm underlying the linear and non-linear analysis of time series is to solve a kind of inverse problem. Basically, we want to identify some of the system’s operating mechanisms by trying to decipher the information contained in these time series. For this purpose methods based on the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems, statistical mechanics and information theory are currently used. This paradigm is very general and can be adopted in different scientific fields: for example, in biology, medicine, physics, geophysics and astrophysics. In this scientific context, the main research lines of the group are the following:

– development of linear and non-linear analysis methods of time series;

– analysis of neurophysiological and electrocardiographic signals.

Personal web page of  Angelo Di Garbo


Phone Numbers:
Angelo Di Garbo (+39 050 3152577)
Santi Chillemi (+39 050 3152578)
Marco Carloni (+39 050 3153050)

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